1. Introduction

This policy aims to describe the management methods of this website and of the TRAPTRAINER APP (service offered by the website), with reference to the processing of personal data of users/visitors who consult it in compliance with the current Data Protection Law.

The Company AR SOLUTION, in line with applicable data protection law, intends to guarantee the privacy and security of the personal data of each visitor, also in relation to internet access from abroad, in line with the provisions of this policy.

Unless otherwise specified, this policy is also to be understood as information provided to those who interact with the services offered by the website.

Information on the processing of detailed personal data is shown, where necessary, in the pages relating to the individual services offered. This information is aimed at establishing data processing limits and methods for each service, on the basis of which the visitor can freely express his/her consent and authorize the collection of data and their subsequent use.

It should be noted that this privacy policy concerns this website, but not any other websites that may be accessed by the user by means of links.

2. Roles and responsibilities in the field of privacy

The following table shows the website that refers to the Company AR SOLUTION












The company AR SOLUTION, has the role of data controller for all data processing carried out for marketing and promotional purposes, and is jointly responsible for the collection and subsequent use of personal data and establishes:

Regarding management of the CRM, the "Data supervisor" is Antonino Rizzo, owner of the company AR SOLUTION.




3. Cookies

COOKIES : For information on the cookies present on the websites www.traptrainer.it, refer to the cookies  policy

. We use cookies to give you a better experience on our site. This includes third-party cookies such as social media sites, if you visit a page that contains embedded social media content. These third-party cookies may track your use of the AR SOLUTION website (www.traptrainer.it). We and our partners use cookies to send you promotional messages and advertisements relevant to you. If you continue to browse the site without changing the settings, we assume that you consent to the use of cookies on the websites of the Company AR SOLUTION


4. Type of data processed and purpose of processing

The website offers informative and sometimes interactive content. While browsing the site, information about the visitor may thus be gathered in the following ways:

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

This category of data includes: the IP addresses, the type of browser used, the operating system, the domain name and the addresses of websites from which access or exit was made, information on the pages visited by users within the site, access time, time spent on the individual page, internal path analysis and other parameters related to the operating system and the user's computer environment.

These technical/IT data are collected and used exclusively in an aggregate and non-identifying manner and could be used to ascertain liability in the event of hypothetical IT crimes to the detriment of the site.

This means all personal data freely released by the visitor on the site and during registration of the TRAPTRAINER service account, for example, to register and/or access a reserved area, request information on a specific product or service via a form, write to an e-mail address or call (in VoIP mode) a toll-free number for direct contact with customer service.

In some cases this information may be used for user profiling purposes. Where this occurs, appropriate information will be provided, and free and specific consent obtained for marketing and/or profiling purposes.

5. Data processing methods

The processing of personal data is carried out mainly using electronic procedures and means (DB, CRM platforms, etc.) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected.

6. Redirect to external sites

The website may use so-called "social plug-ins". Social plug-ins are special tools that make it possible to incorporate the features of the social network directly within the website (for example, the "Like" function of Facebook).

All social plug-ins on the site are marked by the logo owned by the respective social network platform.

When you visit a page of our site and interact with the plug-in (e.g. by clicking the "Like" button) or decide to leave a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted from the browser directly to the social network platform (in this case Facebook) and stored by it.

For information on the aims, type and methods of collection, processing, use and storage of personal data by the social network platform, as well as for the ways in which to exercise your rights, please consult the privacy policy of the social network.

7. Link to/from third party sites

It is possible to access other websites belonging to third parties from this website, by means of links.

The owner of the site declines any responsibility regarding the possible management of personal data by third party sites and regarding the management of authentication credentials provided by third parties.

8. Rights of the parties concerned

The persons to whom the personal data processed through this website and the offered service refer (so-called "interested parties"), are entitled to know what data concerning them are held by the company, why such data have been collected and how they are processed, and to obtain extrapolation and provision of the data, and - if so desired - have the data updated, rectified or completed. In the event of a violation of the law, they may request that the data be blocked, cancelled or transformed into an anonymous form.

To exercise these rights, obtain the updated list of data supervisors (if appointed), report problems or request clarification on the processing of personal data, please direct your requests, specifying the subject of the request, to the data supervisor, at the following address: AR SOLUTION di Antonino Rizzo Via Fiume,4 – 98066 PATTI (ME) – info@traptrainer.it

9. Policy changes

This policy regulates the methods of processing personal data provided by visitors when browsing the website and using the service offered (TRAPTRAINER app). The possible entry into force of new sector regulations, as well as the constant examination and updating of user services, could entail the need to change these methods. Our policy may therefore undergo changes over time and we thus invite visitors to periodically consult this page. For this purpose, the policy document highlights the date of the latest version.

Any substantial changes to this Privacy Policy will be notified to registered users via e-mail and by posting a notice on the site.